The Danish Illusion
The Danish Illusion PODCAST
#4 - Novo Nordisk - Maybe a new vaccine giant is born out of government corruption?
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#4 - Novo Nordisk - Maybe a new vaccine giant is born out of government corruption?

Listen to the author reading The Danish Illusion to you, cut into smaller audio podcasts - This is the fourth episode. The rest will follow if you have signed up for the free newsletter/podcast.

Readings from the book The Danish Illusion by Flemming Blicher

Will Novo Nordisk be the next vaccine giant?

The Danish Ministry of Health and the Danish Corona Corruption

Let me hand you a prime example of political, possibly deeply corrupt, objectives trumping The professionalism of Danish experts and officials. This is clearly seen in the case where the Health Authority's director Søren Brostrøm is asked to put his professionalism aside, by Per Okkels who was the then Ministry of Health and the Elderly's head of department, which can also be referred to as the permanent secretary to the health minister. It was the danish tabloid newspaper Ekstra Bladet that, on the basis of a document review, was able to bring an article documenting that director Søren Brostrøm had already received an email on the 14th of March from his boss Per Okkels with apparently politically motivated instructions. The email had been written just three days after the WHO declared the corona ‘pandemic’. In this email, Okkels writes about Brostrøm's statements to the press that "before you answer, you must abandon the ‘principle of proportionality’ in recognition of an extreme precautionary principle". This email is the definitive proof that the government's, and thus the politicians', so-called ‘precautionary principle’ outweighs professionalism. Below is a translated extract of the article in Ekstra Bladet printed on the 28th of May 2020:

Emails between the Director of the Danish Health Authority, Søren Brostrøm, and the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Health show a battle over testing strategy. Brostrøm was ordered to follow 'an extreme precautionary principle'

Jakob Kjellberg, professor at the Danish Centre for Social Research and Analysis (Vive), also reads the head of department's email as an unequivocal message to Brostrøm.

- Basically, he says 'test, test, test' and don't come running with all sorts of considerations about the fact that there must be a reasonable relationship between what we get out of testing and the resources that are spent on testing, says the professor, pointing out that the exchange of words exposes the disagreement between politicians and professionals. - It shows that there is a very different view of testing. It is a professional and political world that meets, he says.

By asking Søren Brostrøm to drop his principles of proportions in the testing strategy and instead go for "an extreme precautionary principle," he is at the same time forced into the Prime Minister's line.

It was exactly this “extreme precautionary principle” that the Prime Minister had communicated at the press meeting on the 11th of March.

Put simply, the population is being (politically) misled by the ones paid to do a professional job governing the country. I believe that there is a high probability that this is a matter of subtle corruption on a political level, which is the basis for the permanent secretary’s strong political influence mail to its director. And what is the subtlety of corruption? Not even six months after this email exchange had occurred, we are informed that Per Okkels is ‘retiring’. To cap it all, we are also informed that a little later it emerges that he will stay ‘employed’ in a ‘part-time’ senior advisor position at the Novo Nordisk Foundation, a foundation that distributes more than five and a half billion danish kroner per year. In other words, a very wealthy fund, from an outfit who certainly don't need to account for every penny! A company who has enough funds to pay for full-time work for a new employee every week in the executive corridor, give him a soft and comfortable office chair as well as a mahogany table and an architect-designed desk-lamp. All in order to return a lucrative industry favour.

Health Policy Journal writes on the 24th of February 2021 that Per Okkels had only ‘retired’ for a little over a month before he joined the Novo Nordisk Foundation. Another one of the Ministry of Health's key employees during the corona handling also switched to Novo Nordisk at roughly the same time. This was one Thomas Senderovitz, who was the Director of the Danish Medicines Agency who, after 5 years in this hallowed position, chooses to step down and jump ship to Novo Nordisk in the midst of the corona ‘pandemic’.Surprising? Well, I think so. Suspicious? Definitely! Novo Nordisk later announced that they intended to compete in the vaccine business. On the Novo Nordisk Foundation’s homepage they shared in December 2023 that the foundation would invest 1,8 billion danish kroner in the vaccine business. And that they would be doing so in collaboration with the big philanthropists Bill Gates and George Soros related companies Open Philantropy and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Just shortly after the Danish Medicines’ Agency announced that the first COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ had received approval for emergency use in Denmark, it really puzzled me that Senderovitz chose to leave his former position, one of the most important (and well paid) central official positions, right in the middle of what was declared to be the most serious threat to human life in over a hundred years - the corona ‘pandemic’. If he was led by noble intentions, he would have used the opportunity to do whatever he could for his country. But he didn’t.

On the 9th of March 2021, the Danish state broadcaster DR News brought us an article with the heading "Vaccine General Thomas Senderovitz stops in the middle of the rollout: 'It has not been an easy choice'”. What leadership material is this individual made of, when his love of his country (already deep in crisis) is demonstrated by abandoning the very job which is supposed to provide continuity and support to his fellow citizens? Perhaps because his love of country is - in reality - not really on his mind at all. Senderovitz is a descendant of a Jewish family that migrated to Denmark from the Ukraine in 1906 as a result of the Russian pogroms – the persecution of the Jews. Love of Denmark and the Danes? Well, I’ll leave you to come to your own conclusion over that one.

Ukraine's president since 2019, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, is a Zionist-jew who, with a starting point in his Jewish-Ukrainian ancestry, just months after Russian troops rolled in over the border, spoke to one of Israel's largest dailies about Ukraine's Zionist future as a 'Greater Israel'. Victoria Nuland, the US Under Secretary of State has, since the Maidan revolution in Ukraine in 2014, managed the events in Ukraine with a firm American-Zionist hand. Nuland (originally Nudelmann) also comes from a family that in the last century was expelled during the same persecutions of Jews in the Ukraine, which sent Senderovitz's family fleeing. There is a greater Zionist influence on the war in Ukraine, which I will return to in the chapter “Year 2022 – The Bear is coming, the bear is coming”. In this chapter you will also learn about the Senderovitz family’s swift and extremely successful reaction to the conflict, and how they swiftly helped a great portion of the 90.000 Ukrainians to Denmark, which were part of the first wave of refugees escaping Ukraine.

To get an impression of the golden revolving doors of politicians and civil servants, it is worth reading a danish blog by former long-serving civil servant Søren Skafte, who on 10 March 2021 wrote the post "When the head of the Danish Medicines’ Agency transfers to the pharmaceutical manufacturer".

Søren Skafte's excellent blog entry raises a big question mark about the well-used golden revolving door between politics and the executive corridors of business. He also calls into question at the same time, although without saying so directly, whether Denmark is as free from corruption - which many Danes are proud of - and which the organisation ‘Transparency International’ provides expressed in their measurements of how Danish corruption is perceived by the outside world. Skafte also writes: The significant career changes which Thomas Senderovitz, Friis Arne Petersen, Lars Løkke Rasmussen, Brian Mikkelsens, Nick Hækkerup and others have made, should give rise to consider whether special requirements should be made for top politicians and officials who have been allowed to leave the public service bringing deep insight from Denmark's political engine room. Should there be, as exiits in a number of other countries, grace periods or "cooling off" periods instigated in these situations? It must be remembered that ‘non-compete’ or NDA clauses are not uncommon in the private business world. This is a legal framework which exists prceisely so that a high-ranking employee cannot take up employment with a competitor within a given period. However, and somewhat surpsingly, Danish Ministers and other top officials are not subject to this restriction, and the jump from ‘Slotsholmen’ – the Danish government’s ‘square mile’ - can be made from one day to the next. In Denmark, the debate about competence and waiting or cooling-off periods is so low-key that it barely exists at all. Surely this tells us that Danish inscrutibility is not as it is made out to be. Despite the lucrative changes in circumstances for several key employees in the Ministry of Health, it may still seem like a bit of a flighty accusation that Novo Nordisk, the Danish Health Authority and the Danish Medicines Agency were supposed to be involved in corruption about the corona pandemic. And how could Novo Nordisk be involved when it is just one insulin manufacturer and not part of the vaccine industry at all? There are no less than two very burdensome answers to the above question. One has to do with the ownership relationships surrounding the vaccine industry, and the resulting worldwide corruption. The second is much more sinister; Novo Nordisk turns out – surprise, surprise – to be heading into the vaccine business at hypersonic speed. The vaccine industry in Denmark has been dominated, and predominately underwritten - since the sale of the SSI's (Statens Serum Institut) vaccine factory - by Bavarian Nordic with their highly questionable Ebola vaccines and renewed focus on monkeypox. Incidentally, as of May 2023, we are told, by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, that this ‘serious’ disease, “Mpox, formally named ‘Monkeypox’, is of so little importance that “Epidemiological updates have been discontinued”, only to be told in August of 2024, that a new international pandemic is underway. Oh dear. Another load of scare-tactics, misinformation and lies specifically crafted to frighten the average Mr & Mrs Average Joe all over the world.

Unfortunately, it is such that very few companies own almost everything there is to own, or have at least the largest shareholding when it comes to the ownership of them. I made a video about this in July 2021.

It would certainly seem that I was not completely wrong when I claimed in this video that three or four companies basically have a decisive influence on almost all other major companies throughout the world. This was further confirmed by editorial writer Farhad Manjoo for The New York Times when, on the 12th of May 2022, he writes an article which headlined “Three Companies Control a Piece of Nearly Everything…. Should You Worry?” Indeed it is a controversial subject that, on an ultimate financial level, there is no competition between e.g. Coca Cola and Pepsi Cola, because ultimately they have the same owners. That perhaps explains some circumstances surrounding Manjoo's article shortly after it was published. Maybe it’s possible that Farhad Manjoo's article became too hot to handle for the publisher. In any case, within a few hous of publication, the title was dumbed down to a softer and slightly less conspicuous single headline: "What BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street Are Doing to the Economy". Verification of this can be obtained by visiting the Internet's memory machine "WayBack Machine" at the link in the footnotes. Incidentally, (top tip for truth-seekers) “The WayBack Machine” is an Internet archive where billions of internet pages are saved by internet users. For example, a newspaper article or other information cannot be found because it has been changed or moved behind a paywall, you may be lucky to stumble upon the original that another internet user has copied before it was removed, moved or otherwise changed. In this way one can also access all pages or articles that have once been on the web even if they have subsequently been changed, moved or deleted. Go to the internet address Be aware that I have noticed that even this service are being mangled with, and some of the stored pages are unfortunately disappearing. As I recommend in the mentioned YouTube video, you can open Yahoo Finance in a browser and search under ‘Novo Nordisk’. There you will see the same pattern for the Danish insulin company as you can see with Coca Cola and Pepsi Cola. Novo Nordisk is owned (as of 28th November 2022) by 1,027 different so-called Institutional Holders, the largest portfolio holders being our old friends,Vanguard and Blackrock topping the list with State Street being found a little further down. It is not difficult for the ordinary Dane to understand that it is a very real problem that so few institutional investors own such a large part of the world’s companies, and thus the world's resources. Indeed, it can now surely also be seen as the root of the corruption I have tried to put into words in this section. If the reader wants to delve further into the subject, why not visit the website '' and find the video "Monopoly - Who owns the world?". It is a video of Dutch origin that is voiced in English by Tim Gielen. The video explains in detail how big a problem it is that the majority of all successful companies are owned by the same institutional funds such as Blackrock and Vanguard. However, digging needs to be done because it is deliberately opaque as who actually manages these funds, but it is there. A particular problem surrounding BlackRock is that it also acts as an adviser to governments and central banks, and therefore sits on both sides of the table when large-scale decisions must be made. This means that they as a company can themselves benefit from their duplicity. One interesting media, Investigative Europe, has done a piece of virtuosic critical journalistic work with a few articles about BlackRock, which they have also boiled down into a short and precise video about BlackRock, the problem. In addition to the fact that Novo Nordisk is owned by the same owners who own the majority of the vaccine industry, the Novo Nordisk Foundation has established a special collaboration with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation around the development of virus control agents. Also the George Soros-controlled Open Philanthropy company is involved in this collaboration. Open Philanthropy is legally structured as a 'limited liability company’ (LLC) but belongs to the Open Society Foundations, which is owned by the so-called ‘philanthropist’, George Soros. He is one of this world's most controversial characters, as he is accused of speculating in destabilising states with the aim of making huge sums of money for himself. The Novo Nordisk collaboration was announced on the 15th of March 2022 on the Novo Nordisk Foundation website, less than a year after Per Okkels - remember him, the once permanent secretary of the health ministry - joined the foundation.

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The Danish Illusion
The Danish Illusion PODCAST
This podcast offers free listening to the book "The Danish Illusion" read by the author himself. This is Flemming Blicher's personal account on what actually happened from a Danish perspective during the years 2020 through 2022, when the World, first got enthralled in the corona pandemic war, and subsequently war broke out in Ukraine.