The Danish Illusion
The Danish Illusion PODCAST
#7 - Event 201 - Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation - The Johns Hopkins University
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#7 - Event 201 - Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation - The Johns Hopkins University

Listen to the author reading The Danish Illusion to you, cut into smaller audio podcasts - This is the seventh episode. The rest will follow if you have signed up for the free newsletter/podcast.

“Event 201”

Event 201 took place on 18th October 2019 and the organisers were the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum and John Hopkins University. Besides these, the George Soros controlled firm, ‘Open Philanthropy’ also donated considerable funding. Although fact- checkers (who it would seem are funded by the very organisations they purport to ‘fact-check) categorically deny that Event 201 was an exercise which predicted the corona virus outbreak and the following pandemic, is it close to mind to suggest exactly that. Later on, we will look at the role which the press and the media played in relation to the three fictions used to brainwash the people. There is great humoristic value in looking at the Danish fact-checking institution ‘Tjek Det’ and their fact-checking of the rumour that Event 201 indeed predicted the pandemic. Their fact-check was issued on 27th of April 2020. It first drew in the wildest accusations from the side of the critics, to then produce a complete debunk of the very idea that Event 201 by any means predicted the pandemic, so that the reader is left with the impression that ‘there is nothing to see here’. There is, of course, plenty to see here!

Image from Event 201. Notice the very confident statement that the event apparently will become a pandemic.

It was put forward that Event 201 was a so-called ‘table top exercise’, a simulation if you like, of a scenario that 60 million people die from a ‘pandemic outbreak’. Of course, even the most dim-witted individual cannot possibly ignore that this simulation was all too similar in so many ways to the corona virus ‘outbreak’ which the media reported took place in China only just a few months later. So much so, that the organisers have had to distribute a press release to assure everyone of the opposite. That Event 201 receives so much critisism from the corona sceptic faction in different countries around the world, is connected to the fact that the organisers are from the same organisations who rolled in the gold during the pandemic and at the same time were the ones to predict it. Besides this damning situation, several experts have presented further evidence supporting that the corona virus is made in a laboratory. Yet still others have questioned the very existence of the virus at all, one individual offering anybody a million euros to actually provide proof of the isolation and make-up of this supposed ‘virus’. To date, this has not been claimed as not one individual or company has ever actually done this. Amongst these nay-sayers was the now deceased Nobel Price awarded virologist Luc Montagnier. I will get back to him, as he is not just Mr anybody, since he actually received the Nobel award for identifying the HIV ‘virus’ and the related disease ‘AIDS’. Indeed, this ‘Event 201’ was only just one way in which the prediction and the carrying out of this so-called Corona Virus Outbreak came to fruition.

Bill and Melinda Gates likewise predicted the pandemic during an interview, where they are seen to be even smiling, both of them, as Bill reveals his ‘news’. During a meeting at the World Economic Forum, Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales, now King Charles, has threatened the world's population that more pandemics will come, if the WEF did not build a ‘sustainable’ world. In 2017 and 2018 (before there was any mention of a ‘pandemic’) millions of PCR test kits were exported to the world's countries, including to Denmark. In 2017 Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infections Deseases (NIAID) in the USA, guaranteed that more surprising ‘outbreaks’ were on their way within the next four years. Five months ahead of the ‘pandemic’ the WHO requested that their 193/194 member states should prepare for a coming pandemic. These happenings, and many more, are described and documented in a video from Stop World Control which was published in May 2022 with the title "Proof that the pandemic was planned with a purpose". However, perhaps most clear and trustworthy evidence that Event 201 is a part of a wider conspiracy, came from no less than the nephew of (murdered) US President John F. Kennedy; Robert F. Kennedy Jr. He published a book in 2021 with the title "The Real Anthony Fauci". The book consists of some 600 pages which chronicle Anthony Fauci, who is the American equivelent of his Danish counterpart Søren Brøstrøm. Of course, Fauci naturally has a much greater responsibility than the director of the Danish Health Authority’s Brøstrœm. Besides being the director of previously mentioned NIAID, Fauci (a.k.a Dr. Death, as he is nicknamed in the UK) is also the chief medical advisor to the President of the USA. Kennedy’s book can also be viewed in a film version, lasting one hour and fifty minutes. It can be found on ‘Odysee’, as YouTube is unfortunately censoring (actually banning) it.

The film goes through Event 201 from around three and a half minutes in and, after six minutes, Robert F. Kennedy points at the peculiar fact that the second-in-command at the CIA, Deputy Director Avril Haines, is one of the ‘hosts’ at the simulation. You may well ask; ‘What is the secret service of the USA doing at a simulation of a pandemic outbreak’? You may further ask, ‘why is the CIA so interested in the training and preparation for a pandemic, that they send their second in command to co-host the event?’ Haines makes use of her hosting role at Event 201 to underline that 'misinformation' cannot be avoided, and that a 'flood zone strategy' should be applied to counter it. Every attempt was made at the event to ensure that the concerted narrative was propagated everywhere and the only one which should be heard, making it extremely hard for any normal inquisitive individuals to receive other information than what was fed to them via the established media. A line of other experts, even military experts, also take part in the simulation and add their voices to attempt to silence the vaccine sceptics. People must be forced to believe the WHO, their governments and the pharmaceutical industry, these organisations even involving their countries’ secret services to ensure that this can happen as smoothly as possible without too many complications in relation to any so-called 'misinformation'. What in the name of all that is Holy was going on?

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Bill Gates is one of the world's richest men because he controls a ‘foundation’ with the largest wealth in the world. He is also a man plagued by his past within the software industry and his firm Microsoft, where he made his money. However, he also had to spend a great deal of his valuable time answering court cases in relation to unethical business methods. He has avoided paying tax on his fortune and now he calls himself a philanthropist. What could possibly go wrong? One thing is clear. When you question whether or not Bill Gates is a philanthropist or a tax avoider, it is important to keep in mind that it would seem that the foundation has redefined the term philanthropy from being understood as giving money from a good heart, into investing a large part of the ‘donation’ in a company by buying up its shares. According to a CNBC article from September 2019, 60% of BMGF's assets are invested in shares and although the foundation had ‘donated’ 36 billion dollars over the last couple of decades, it has still increased its wealth.

Another CNBC article from January 2019 focusses upon the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos in January 2019, where Bill Gates explains that his best investment ever is his investment in vaccines which has increased in value by a factor of twenty(!!) in ten years. In relation to looking into what could possibly go wrong, it is lucky for us sceptics that the BMFG has a website informing us how their money is distributed. Similarly, the WHO also has a website informing us about who their sponsors are. As previously documented, the BMFG donated between 17% and 22% of the total budget of the WHO in the period 2016 to 2021. It looks like it was also carrying on in 2022. In October and November 2022 alone, BMFG donated more than 90 million U.S Dollars to the WHO. This is the same as 630 million Danish Crowns, donated in just two months! Surely they wouldn’t be making donations on a whim without expecting anything back? Remember also that the BMGF cannot buy shares in the WHO as the organisation is not a shareholder-owned company. Well, of course, Bill Gates did get it his way. Let’s go back to the candidate he wanted for the DG of the WHO, Tedros Adhanom. Let’s also go back to the fact that China was also in support and agreement for this ‘candidate’. It turned out that Tedros Adhanom has known Bill and Melinda Gates for many years. While Tedros was Health Minister in 2010 to 2014, their foundation donated 1.5 billion US Dollars (over 10 billion Danish Crowns) to a 'family planning project' in Ethiopia. Again, not something the mainstream media finds worth mentioning. The previously mentioned Fox News article from 27th March 2020 uses the bulk part of its page space to ask questions about Tedros' past and his rather too much enthusiasm for covering up China's poor handling at the beginning of the crisis. It seems that even Fox News dared not focus on the wanton corruption of the WHO by Bill Gates. We need a more alternative media for that before we can muster enough courage to challenge the inappropriate close connection between Tedros and Gates. See, for example an article from Brightwork Research & Analysis from November 2021.

Tedros Adhanom is also part of an advisory board in a Fund for Global Health which, likewise, receives potent donations from the BMGF. Besides, the CEO of the Fund for Global Health was the previous head of the department for Global Health Policy in the BMGF. Again, this is not something which the mainstream media bother (or dare) to report. It looks suspiciously like Bill Gates does not have to ask Tedros Adhanom for any favours, does he? Tedros already knows full well who’s pocket he lives in and it makes him the perfect marionette to enable Bill Gates to carry on with his nefarious ways.

The Johns Hopkins University

You may not have noticed during the corona pandemic, but Johns Hopkins’ Coronavirus Resource Center, together with the WHO, have been the central global information service. Both organisations have websites with dashboards (overviews) which tell us about the global status of COVID-19 calculated in the number of cases of infection and number of deaths. On both Johns Hopkins University's (JHU) and WHO's websites there is also information on the global vaccine rollout listed as a percentage of each country’s population that is vaccinated. For example, the status of Denmark shows that 4.8 million Danes (out of a total population of 5.8 million) are reported to having received, as a minimum, one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. None of the websites qualify or attempt to explain that "number of deaths" does not mean the number of people who have died of COVID-19, but it means the number of people who tested positive within a certain period before they died. For example, a person could have died during heart surgery and still be included in these statistics if they were tested positive, even if it wasn’t ‘covid’ that ‘killed’ them.

To further assist the already cloudy perspective, these websites do not include any information about the side effects and deaths that these non-vaccines have caused (remember that it is by definition that an mRNA vaccine is NOT a vaccine). It is indeed very difficult to find any information about the harm caused by the mRNA jabs which have been (under) reported since their rollout. Equally, it has not been possible to find a link to either the American database for side effects (VAERS) or the European counterpart, The European Medicines’ Agency (EMA) on either of the websites of the JHU or the WHO. On the EMA you can read that on the year up to 25th December 2022 that 701 million doses of the Pfizer jabs have been given - and 971,000 suspected side effects, including deaths, have been (under) reported. With Moderna the number is 161 million doses with 274,000 suspected side effects. A very important perspective on this is that these numbers of reports have been found to be under 10% of the real numbers, according to critical scientific research.

Johns Hopkins Medicine, part of the JHU conglomerate, offers the COVID death-jab to children as young as six months in one of their clinics locally in Maryland. We can therefore see that the JHU has also invested in the distribution of the vaccine. In 2020 the New York Times wrote an article about the founder of the JHU and that he was a slave-owner despite the university having promoting itself as if he were against slavery. It was not until 1945 that the first ethnic African student was accepted at the university, even though it is situated in Baltimore, Maryland, which interestingly enough has a majority of ethnic African Americans! Again, the article is behind a pay-wall and yet again the Wackback Machine comes to our aid. Guess what? The largest donor of the JHU is BMGF who single handedly, during a three month period from October to December 2022 donated altogether 22 million US Dollars, which is about 157 million Danish Crowns. Oh dear.

The World Economic Forum and COVID-19: The Great Reset.

When you talk about the globalists, or the global elite, i.e. the very small percentage of the world's population who can actually profit from a corona pandemic or from other crises such as the ‘war in the Ukraine’, there is one prime organisation in particular that takes care of their interests, namely the World Economic Forum (WEF). One World Government (OWG) is a concept for which the WEF is probably the most outspoken advocate in the world. The implementation of the OWG means that the world will be ruled by an unified and probably unelected and unelectable world government. A world government that will gradually control all areas of local governments whose power will slowly diminish in favour of the centralised power of this new ‘one world government’. Indeed, a simple search for “Global Governance” on the World Economic Forum (WEF) website will return over 100 hits. From this simple action, then, we can deduce that are more than one hundred articles on Global Governance. This is precisely because OWG and Global Governance are enshrined terminologies that in WEF-speak mean roughly the same thing. OWG is the noun and Global Governance is the management concept or ideology behind the aim to implement OWG. One of the top search results is WEF's own strategic tool (called Strategic Intelligence), which you can also easily access by entering your email address. Here you can read, that the WEF defines Global Governance as follows:

“Global governance functions through a set of institutions, rules, and processes that aim to manage cross-border issues – like diplomatic relations, trade, financial transactions, migration, and climate change. It seeks to address collective concerns, and mediate common interests, creating both privileges and obligations for the public and private sectors. It is also essential for solving problems that cross borders: pandemics, wars, and financial crises. It is not, however, just a set of treaties and organisations; it is comprised of a vast network of collaborative processes, relationships, guidelines, and monitoring mechanisms, which are all necessary to manage our increasingly complex interdependence.”

In other words, TOTAL CONTROL. Total control of YOU!

From this, then, OWG and Global Governance sound completely as one; co-conspiratorial, if you like, especially when it comes to the above definition from which it appears that regardless of the 'management speak' that is in the language, it just seems to be a conspiracy that the WEF itself gets to define itself. They don't even attempt to hide that they promoting a conspiracy! But this isn’t just the worst of the smoking guns in terms of the WEF and conspiracy theory, or rather The WEF and the conspiracy, since it is no longer a theory, as the WEF itself presents the conspiracy on full public display. No, because the 'smoking gun' has long been the book "COVID-19: The Great Reset", which founder Klaus Schwab published at the beginning of July 2020. The book presents how the corona pandemic offers an almost perfect opportunity to restart the entire world, centralise power and give the globalists even more effective tools to rule the world as they see fit. The book can be found online as a downloadable PDF file. During a launch of "COVID-19: The Great Reset" on 13/14th July 2020, the WEF published a live recording video where founder Klaus Schwab goes over the details of the plan. This big restart, The Great Reset, according to WEF's founder, is the last of three phases related to the corona pandemic: 1. Restrain (combat), 2. Recover (back to 'a new normal'), 3. Reset (define and design the strategies to lead the world after the corona pandemic). In the launch video (6 minutes and 30 seconds in), Klaus Schwab reviews the five priorities which the WEF is focusing upon in order to implement The Great Reset during the specified third phase:

1. Reshaping the social contract

2.The green economy

3. Use of advanced technologies

4. From shareholder capitalism to stakeholder capitalism

5. Stronger global cooperation.

If you want to know what Klaus Schwab means by reshaping the social contract, the implementation of the ‘green economy’, the use of advanced technology, the move from shareholder capitalism to stakeholder capitalism and the implementation of stronger global cooperation, you must watch the video "COVID-19 The Great Reset" that the WEF has put up on their project launch page on their website. There it is; clear for all to see.

Four years previously, Klaus Schwab published the book “The Fourth Industrial Revolution” in which he focuses especially on the third point above, namely the use of technology to merge humans and machines.

It is remarkable that the entire WEF's massive institution was involved in the promotion of “COVID-19: The Great Reset” so quickly after the pandemic outbreak. Already on 15th May 2020 an article was published about The Great Reset on the WEF's website: “How the great COVID-19 reset can help firms build a sustainable future” – this came out only two months after the WHO declared the pandemic. Furthermore, the previously mentioned book “COVID-19: The Great Reset” came out only three or four months after the WHO declared the pandemic. Any critically thinking person by now must seriouly consider if it is possible for an organisation like the WEF to launch a project this big and, at the same time, publish a book about a pandemic so shortly after the world is hit by the pandemic, seemingly unprepared? Wait! This was exactly what WEF was: Prepared! For they had of course already prepared themselves in collaboration with the BMGF and the JHU during Event 201. However, had they really prepared themselves so well, that the book “COVID-19: The Great Reset” had already been written and just needed proof reading and publishing? Well, that is for you to surmise!

In the light of this, I would define it as a conspiracy (I would challenge anyone to disagree) that the WEF makes use of of multiple management terms in order to create 'swung' (manipulative language) in their wording of their work and purpose, whilst implementing OWG via The Great Reset - and it's not at all a coincidence. When Klaus Schwab founded the organisation in 1971, the original name was The European Management Forum. Its purpose was then to integrate American management principles into the European work culture and, interestingly enough, it was two primary groups of sponsors who helped Schwab start the initiative: The European Commission and the European Organisations of Industry. The latter would then over time become one collected power-centralised organisation – The European Round Table of Industrialists (ERT) founded in 1983. This organisation will be mentioned under the three fictions, as it is a very central player in the activities of the Deep State in Europe.

The WEF's strong ties to industry is all over-reaching and saturates the founder's pen in the book “The Fourth Industrial Revolution”. The book glorifies, amongst other things, the possibilities of industry to allow robots and artificial intelligence to take over large parts of the ruling and operation of world society. Exactly this desire to make use of advanced technology in order to transform society and the humans in it is an intrinsic characteristic trait of the WEF. The film ”Submitting humanity to the rule of elite cyborgs”, produced by the organisation Stop World Control, goes into detail around the desire of the WEF to transform humans into cyborgs. The correct scientific term for this is transhumanism. These cyborgs would be controlled by a smaller group of elite cyborgs, and these elite cyborgs are a result of the current global elite's trans-human transformation. Does this sound far-fetched – even crazy to you? Well, these scenarios are not from my mouth or pen, but instead, why don’t you listen to the WEF's leading scientist in the trans-humanistic area, Yuval Harari. After 28 minutes and 56 seconds into the film, he says that the global elite and humanity will follow two different trans-humanistic paths: One group of cyborgs shall control the other. Professor Harari is also involved in the UN and the WHO and a wide range of other international organisations. Who is this guy? We find that he is a professor and lecturer from the Department of History of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. What on God’s Green Earth has that to do with ‘transhumanism’, cyborgs and how does his history background give him the remotest qualification to be the ‘leading scientist’ in the WEF and (presumably) also the WHO regarding the ‘trans-humanistic’ arena?


  1. The Nation article on Bill Gates and his philantropy (pay-walled!):

  2. Same article on Wayback Machine:

  3. Description of Event 201 by the organisers themselves:

  4. Danish fact-check media Tjek Det’s fact-check of Event 201 being part of planning the corona pandemic:

  5. Event 201 organisers had to counteract the rumours:

  6. video documenting WHO’s 10 year plan from 2020 to 2030:

  7. Robert F. Kennedy’s Wikipedia side:

  8. Real Anthony Fauci, video on

  9. Avril Haines’ Wikipedia profile:

  10. CNBC article from 17th of September 2019 on Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation:

  11. CNBC article from 23th January 2019 on Bill Gates investing in vaccines:

  12. Brightwork Research & Analysis article from 4th of November 2021:

  13. EMA database on reported vaccine side-effects:

  14. New York Times article on Johns Hopkins and his relations to keeping slaves (pay-walled!):

  15. Same NY Times article on WayBack Machine:

  16. Bill Gates is the biggest donor of Johns Hopkins, according to BMGF’s homepage:

  17. WEF’s over 100 articles on Global Governance on their homepage:

  18. Klaus Schwabs book “COVID-19 The Great Reset” available as PDF-file:

  19. WEF’s launch on 13/14. July 2020 of the project “COVID-19 The Great Reset”:

  20. WEF article from 15th May 2020 “How the great COVID-19 reset can help firms build a…”:

  21. Stop World Control article “CRY FOR FREEDOM – Why cyborgs won’t save the world”:

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The Danish Illusion
The Danish Illusion PODCAST
This podcast offers free listening to the book "The Danish Illusion" read by the author himself. This is Flemming Blicher's personal account on what actually happened from a Danish perspective during the years 2020 through 2022, when the World, first got enthralled in the corona pandemic war, and subsequently war broke out in Ukraine.