Readings from the book The Danish Illusion by Flemming Blicher
The WHO Director-General Charged with Genocide
It was indeed Bill Gates who supported the election of Eritrean-born Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus for Director-General, the highest post in the organisation of the WHO. China also supported this ex-minister from the government of Ethiopia. Dr Ghebreyesus has a Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD) in Community Health from the University of Nottinghamhy.
As a curiosity it can also be mentioned that Dr Ghebreyesus sat in the Ethiopian government as health minister representing a Marxisistic-Leninistic party, the Tigrayan People's Liberation Front (TPLF). His communist past certainly correlated well with China supporting him for the post.
As if this is not controversial enough, that the Director-General comes directly from a communist party, Adhanom is also charged at the International Criminal Court in the Hague (ICC) with committing genocide at the time when he was in government in Ethiopia. It was the Nobel's Peace Prize awarded American, David Steiman who actually managed to press the charges via the ICC. In England, The Times, The Daily Mirror and The Daily Star have all written about the court case. At the time of first writing this book (November - December 2022) the case has not yet commenced. The judge at the Hague court has demanded more expanding evidence and the case is still being prepared here in October of 2024. However, what is indisputable is that the TPLF is a terror organisation, banned by the current Ethiopian government. This fact has been documented by many Western sources.
The British freelance journalist, Graham Peebles, who has been involved in educational programmes in Sri Lanka, Ethiopia and India since 2005, has written an article about the TPLF's terror activities published by ‘Counterpunch’. He writes that the TPLF is a terror organisation which has recently taken up terrorism again after the organisation lost power in Ethiopia in 2018. It also explains that western support for the TPLF, especially from the USA, UK and some EU countries, is the reason that this terror organisation could show enough military power to start a civil war in the country. This confirms how western countries have traditionally caused and created unrest in Africa, especially in the countries south of Sahara. It seems that they are doing this deliberately for their own gain. In one of the media channels to which the Peebles article is also referring, Voice of America (VOA), one can read an entirely different version article about the TPLF's new military offensive in Ethiopia's Tigray region. In the article, we can read that (believe it or not) it is no less than Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus who is quoted giving a verbal attack on the western countries and the Ethiopian government for not doing enough to help create peace in the country…
It is extraordinary that Adhanom is not at all critical towards the TPLF. The article also exposes how the western media twists reality. The article also fails to mention that Tedros is one of the former leaders of the TPLF. In fact, the TPLF is not specifically mentioned in the article, at all, with only an indirect reference as the "Tigray Rebel Forces". This is how the reader is misguided in getting the mistaken impression that it is the rebels in Tigray who are the good guys in the conflict, which goes absolutely against the far more trustworthy eyewitness testimony of Peebles. This type of exclusion of the facts also contributes to the majority of the populations of the WHO member states being completely unaware of the charges against Tedros at the court in the Hague. In general, not much is written about the charges he faces and whilst the case is under preparation, the TPLF continues its western-supported criminal terror activities in the Tigray province of Ethiopia. Geographically, this province has boundaries to Eritrea which also has a secondary role in the conflict.
So then, it can be seen that much points to the Director-General of the WHO and his conviction of genocide. The possibility alone that this can happen surely ought to make all the journalists in the world sharpen their pens. However this is not happening! It is still very limited as to how much is being written about the case in the mainstream media and I will get back to why this is so in a later section about the Press - the fourth state power. However, at this juncture, I will conclude this chapter by putting forward an article by Fox News from 27th of March 2020, where great doubts about Tedros Adhanom are raised, both in relation to his time as minister in Ethiopia and also to China's inadequate and dubious response at the beginning of the corona outbreak in Wuhan. The article also questions the CV of the Director-General which is found to be inflated and misguiding.
Benevolent philanthropist or cynical tax avoider?
At this juncture, let us return to the person who took part in installing Tedros Adhanom as Director-General of the WHO and who, more than any other, has had a finger in the pie in relation to the corona pandemic. It is of course no other than Bill Gates. People have been well programmed to view him as a philanthropist and to react with disbelief when so-called conspiracy theorists dare to doubt his philanthropic intentions in relation to the pandemic. However, where there’s smoke, there’s fire and in the following section, the information I propagate about Bill Gates will be completely substantiated with related links to sources in the footnotes, so that you can form an opinion of both sides of the story. Of course, I will naturally focus on the side of the story which is not told by the mainstream media.
Although most people know who Bill Gates is, for the sake of accuracy and understanding, let me draft his background anyhow. Not only is he (via his foundation) one of the world's richest men, he is also a philanthropist. That is the impression you get from reading about him online and listening to what mainstream media say about him. A philanthropist, according to the Danish dictionary, is a person who unselfishly works to help his fellow human beings, especially by making donations to good causes. Through the Microsoft empire, Bill Gates made a lot of money, especially during the 1990s and the early 2000s. Microsoft had developed a software platform which became the dominating operating system for virtually every computer, tablet, and other means of electronic communication on the planet. At the end of his time as the top executive at Microsoft he went through long, humiliating and exhausting lawsuits; in 2000, he stepped down from the position of CEO of Microsoft and finally made the decision to place the bulk of his assets from Microsoft into a ‘foundation’ which is known today as the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation. He also withdrew gradually until 2020, he finally left the board of directors, although he still spends about 10% of his time at its Redmont, Washington headquarters, meeting with product teams, he says.
By placing these assets in a ‘foundation’, these are no longer registered as a personal fortune. It's a manoeuvre which the oil baron John D. Rockefeller paved the way with more than one hundred years previously. This means that a billionaire who makes use of this loophole or ‘trick’ is exempt from paying tax on the accumulated wealth. In the case of Bill Gates he got away with not paying tax on about 80 billion dollars! Now, by any stretch of the imagination, that is a lot of money which the tax authorities in the United States of America have failed to collect and an awful lot of money which could have gone into the public coffers to benefit the wider population in general. Maybe one could argue that the country will benefit from the money in the shape of charity, will it not? I maintain that this is far from certain! All that will happen is that this ‘foundation’ which the money has been transferred to could just end up becoming richer and richer over the years. Even though the foundation on the surface is a charitable not-for-profit organisation, shrewd investment in, e.g. the weapons industry and chocolate producers can increase the foundations assets; And this is exactly what the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is being criticised for doing; accumulating wealth from dubious industries and using this wealth to apply pressure on American legislators. A great trick exploiting a loophole for the super-rich to avoid paying tax on their profits.
In the case of the chocolate investments the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation have been criticised for their investments in the chocolate giant Mondelez, which is known for using chocolate from cocoa farms using child labour. Judge yourself how philanthropic you think Bill Gates is, when you can read in an article from 2019 in Jyllandsposten and Politiken (two Danish mainstream papers) that Bill Gates is becoming richer and richer by being a philanthropist. According to the article his fortune increased with the net value of 16 billion dollars during a period in 2019, when he was supposed to donate 35 billion to charitable causes. In the same article you can read that amongst these ‘charitable causes’, which Bill Gates has invested in over time, is GAVI, the vaccine alliance which he founded himself. This is the same alliance which donates large sums to the WHO. I wonder if this is without getting anything in return? Bill Gates says himself that he has a strategy which is about owning a large part of stocks in the companies that he donates to or invests in. The wealth which is used to surround Bill Gates with a saint-like glow in most media that write about him, is not necessarily really charity that benefits the people. It is more likely benefiting himself.
Those who achieve the greatest benefit from making use of the Rockefeller trick are primarily Bill and Melinda Gates who have enormous sums at their disposal. They use the assets of the foundation to apply pressure politically in areas that are of special interest to them. For example, they are trying to influence legislation about the taxation of USA’s segment of super rich billionaires. However, the weapons industry and chocolate are far from the only industries that the foundation invests in. Where the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has increasingly focused their investments in is the vaccine industry. It is a fact that the foundation has invested enormous sums in the vaccine manufacturer Moderna which, until 2019, had only been carrying out research on a special mRNA vaccine technology, never really producing a vaccine for commercial use. This all changed by the end of 2020 when Moderna, together with Pfizer-Biontech, were the first two vaccine manufacturers who, within a very short period of each other, launched the new mRNA ‘vaccines’. These were vaccines which were supposed to reduce sickness and death in relation to the corona ‘pandemic’, which allegedly (according to the established media) broke out in Wuhan at the end of 2019.
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has also invested large amounts of money in Pfizer-Biontech, which is the other mRNA vaccine manufacturer, which, like Moderna also received ‘temporary emergency approval’ to enable them to take their products to market in 2020. It has to be mentioned that to call mRNA a ‘vaccine technology’ is controversial, as mRNA is not a technology that is used in the same way as is generally understood as the common function of vaccines. However, I will get back to this in a later chapter. Furthermore, I mentioned earlier that Bill Gates has funded the previously mentioned organisation called GAVI, which is the ‘Vaccine Alliance’, which makes use of different means to influence legislation and other political decision making processes around the production and availability of vaccines. GAVI is one of the large sponsors of the WHO as mentioned in a previous chapter and it is controlled by Bill Gates. One of the few articles over the years, which criticises Bill Gates for making use of the Rockefeller taxation trick, is an article by Tim Schwab in the American publication The Nation. Whilst the article is unfortunately placed behind a pay wall, it can be found on the WayBack Machine. I hope you will now see Bill Gates, his ‘foundation’, his involvement with the WHO and the corona ‘pandemic’ in a much more critical light after having read this chapter, even though you may have previously perceived him portrayed as the ultimate philanthropist by the mainstream media.
Berlingske article from 24th of March 2020 (behind paywall!):
James Roguskis substack hjemmeside, hvor han eksponerer WHOs planer om at overtage mere suverænitet fra medlemslandene:
WHO’s own budget homepage where all donations are listed:
Daily Star article describing the charges of Ghebreyesus at the ICC by David Steinman:
Graham Peebles, from The Create Trust, has written this article about TPLF and their terror activities:
Voice of America article which fails to mention serious details about Ghebreyesus:
Fox News article from 27th of March 2020 on Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus:
Article in Danish JP/Politiken media Finans from 20th of September 2019:
The Nation article on Bill Gates and his philantropi (behind paywall!):
Same article (not behind paywall!) on Wayback Machine:
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