The Danish Illusion
The Danish Illusion PODCAST
#3 - The 5G-corona-rollout: What about Health and Safety?
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#3 - The 5G-corona-rollout: What about Health and Safety?

Listen to the author reading The Danish Illusion to you, cut into smaller audio podcasts - This is the third episode. The rest will follow if you have signed up for the free newsletter/podcast.

Readings from the book The Danish Illusion by Flemming Blicher

What about Health and Safety?

The new 5G (4G+) was rolled out during the so-called corona pandemic. (image credit: Shutterstuck)

At a hearing in the US Congress in 2020, telecoms industry representatives admitted that not a single dollar, euro, yen or Chinese renminbi was spent on security testing this technology even though billion after billion had been spent on the technology itself. Surely this simple fact alone should set the alarm bells ringing loudly and the consequent aborting of all 5G technological progress immediately. But this simply did not happen…. What did happen was that the lobbyists immediately sprang into action (funded by millions of dollars from the very same industry) obfuscating the truths and clouding the judgement of anyone who had the slightest suspicion and doubts as to the harmful effects of this technology and as to what was really going on. This is unfortunately exactly what happens when some new alarming information or a new scientific study comes to light: The alarming information is obfuscated and the danger to humans and nature is downplayed.

This is especially dangerous when we are dealing with a product over which the average person has no control. 5G is precisely that product. 5G uses stronger and higher frequencies than earlier generation networks, which further makes this whole neglect of security an even greater crime. Yes, crime; because it is a crime to subject the ordinary population to this radiation without adequate safety testing. At a hearing in the United States of America, the Senate revealed in February 2019 that the industry had not carried out any scientific studies about safety and health in connection with the new 5G network. The fact that the industry has succeeded at all in continuing the 5G rollout unhindered, is largely due to an organization called ICNIRP, which is appointed, and thus legitimised by (guess who) the WHO. The WHO is once again given legitimacy by the United Nations (UN), to which the WHO is subject. ICNIRP is the international organisation under the WHO that draws up guidelines for saftey limits and thus regulations regarding electromagnetic radiation. This includes the radiation from such devices as mobile phones, smartphones, WiFi routers, mobile masts and not least seemingly innocent consumer electronics such as baby monitors. These devices all belong to the category which can be collectively called electromagnetic radiation exuding devices. The biggest problem with ICNIRP is that they only recognise thermal hazards of electromagnetic radiation and not the biological hazards. This means that their safety guidelines, in which they indicate some limit values, only take into account that the human body must not stay heated locally more than one degree Celsius by the radiation that is emitted from a device. The ICNIRP guidelines thus ignore the dangers of your body receiving biological damage from the radiation to which the body is exposed. Indeed, it is precisely this biological damage that many scientific studies demonstrate when human tissue is exposed to electromagnetic radiation, even at levels a thousand times below the existing limit values in the ICNIRP guidelines. The knowledge I accumulated at that time about the ICNIRP guidelines, I converted at the beginning of 2020 into a number of videos in English that I posted on YouTube. I have spent a lot of time and energy researching ICNIRP and WHO and how they have acted over the years. My own research in the field does not leave me in any doubt that the people who sit in central positions in these organisations also well know about the science in this field and therefore know that electromagnetic radiation from mobile networks is much more dangerous than the organisations express. Of course, it is all down to money and the money involved in the rollout of 5G makes it impossible for any of the individuals to be honest about that and at the same time keep their jobs and careers. In other words, this is corruption at a very high level. Furthermore, because lobbyism is as massive as it is, it is difficult to have a reasonable debate on the subject without immediately being called a tin-foil hat-wearing conspiracy theorist. It was something I had to experience myself when I started participating in the debate about 5G in the trade magazine Ingeniøren's online forum.

People I had never met called me all sorts of things instead of engaging in a meaningful debate on the subject. The fact is that the corrupt organisations have all the resources and know how to use them. That is why the researchers and independent private individuals, such as myself, who delve into the matter and read up on the science in the field, have very few opportunities to educate the rest of the population about what the publicised science really shows. The misinformation and the deceptions carefully prepared by the (paid) lobbyists are always what one comes across first, if you want to do your own research and get to the nub of the matter.

For example, the aforementioned ICNIRP appears as an ‘authority’ in the field of radiation, and even if you read up on their website, few people would care to investigate what industry background the ICNIRP employees have. They are all, in one way or another, paid by the industry and are in no way independent when evaluating a new scientific study e.g. about the dangers of electromagnetic radiation from the new 5G frequencies. And the scientific researchers who might just possibly produce a new radiation-critical scientific study, risk having their careers smashed by this semi-official lobbyist organisation ICNIRP, which wields far too much power. Corruption is rife, but extremely subtle, and those who are behind it, i.e. those who make money from it, namely the industry players, know fully well that they have to hide the money channels that go to those implicated organisations and the prepaid ‘researchers’ involved.

Many ordinary people do not realise that the telecoms industry is part of a larger industrial area referred to as the Military Industrial Complex. Since there is so much money involved in the combined telecommunications industry and military industry, those who oppose the industry lobbyists are very tightly censored. The pattern of lobbying that I quickly identified during my investigations of 5G and the radiation area, would later prove to be repeated in other industries. Now it wasn't the case that I was the first sceptic in Denmark to start to inform people about the negative consequences of mobile phone radiation. On the contrary, there have been many who have informed on the subject, many of whom are still active, and from whom I have gained a great deal of inspiration. However, no one has done a more thorough job of informing about these problems than Eva Theilgaard Jacobsen who, in 2017 published the book, “Mørkelægning af mobilstrålingens konsekvenser” – “Concealing the consequences of mobile radiation”. If you are interested in knowing more about mobile radiations’ negative consequences, then this book is worth its weight in gold. It presents structured argument after argument for us as a society to stop the increasing electrosmog to which we are exposed and the book also goes into how the harmful effects appear. Futhermore, you can read how the telecommunications industry does everything it possibly can to sidetrack the authorities. It is called lobbying.

It is my impression that corruption exists in all major industries, and the more money the industry controls, the better the ‘quality’ of corruption exists. Let’s not kid ourselves; Lobbying is just a fancy word for corruption. It applies both for the mobile industry in which I myself have made a (now defunct) career, as well as for virtually every other industry. For instance the pharmaceutical industry is just a few steps short of the aforementioned Military Industrial Complex when it comes to making money by corrupting politicians and industries.

This was also the case when the WHO declared the corona outbreak on 11 March 2020 as a pandemic. All the countries that have agreements with the vaccine manufacturers have committed themselves to purchase a certain amount of vaccines, and the vaccine manufacturers are guaranteed a huge income, exactly as was the case during the 2009 H1N1 “Swine flu” pandemic. My question back in 2020 was how Danish experts from the Danish Health Authority, Statens Serum Institut and the Ministry of Health could be so blind to this corruption within the WHO’s own ranks? And what about the politicians who we are told are expressly elected so as to avoid corruption within the civil service and to oversee in the exercise of these authorities' functions? Perhaps it was because in 2020 these experts and politicians were already influenced and prepared to be part of the corruption that I believe the corona pandemic unleashed. They were involved at all levels, from politicians to the civil service and to the other authorities’ execution of their work. I believe that this is corruption on a grand scale that is constantly escalating in step with the fact that the populations of the world's countries do not have a proper say.

Links for this podcast episode:

  1. Environmental Health Trust lavede i februar 2019 en artikel om sikkerheden og sundheden ved 5G:

  2. ICNIRPs hjemmeside:

  3. Eva Theilgaard Jacobsens bog “Mørkelægning af mobilstrålingens konsekvenser” omtales af May-Day:

  4. Artikel i dagbladet Information fra 2009 om korruptionen under erklæringen af H1N1 for pandemi:

  5. Politiken artikel fra juni 2010 som omtaler den udbredte korruption i WHO ifm. H1N1 skandalen:

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The Danish Illusion
The Danish Illusion PODCAST
This podcast offers free listening to the book "The Danish Illusion" read by the author himself. This is Flemming Blicher's personal account on what actually happened from a Danish perspective during the years 2020 through 2022, when the World, first got enthralled in the corona pandemic war, and subsequently war broke out in Ukraine.