White Pope, Black Pope, Grey Pope or the Rothschilds?
When a human being in 2024 asks the question ‘who controls the World’ - and he or she wont rely on mainstream media to give the answer - it is obvious that the Vatican and the Rothschilds are both central to the conspiracy against the people of the World.
But who reigns highest in the hierachy of the dark powers? Ain’t that the real question: Is it the Zionist or is it the Jesuits?
Exactly that question is debated by two well-known alternative researchers Michael Collins Piper and Eric Jon Phelps in a radio show from 2006 hosted by Greg Szymanski (Liberty Radio).
I want to share this debate as these two gentlemen are some of the greatest capacities, and they have both documented their research in several books.
Readers of the Danish newsletter know that I am personally quite convinced that it is in fact the power families who rules the World. Theses bloodline families controls all factions that have a say in exercising power in the World today. This includes all religions, cults and sects of any substantial size. In that regard I think that both these fantastic researchers, during this debate, lend credence to this conviction of mine; But please judge for yourself.
Below is an image I created for use in a former article which has been adapted a bit:
What about the Zionists?
The Rothschild family was hired by the bloodline families back in the second half of the 18th century, when Mayer Amschel Rothschild became a court jew of Crown Prince Wilhelm of Hesse in 1769. When the latter became Wilhelm 9th, Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel in 1785, the road was paved for the royal-elitists families of Europe to use the Rothschilds to control the World through the Rothschilds banking dynasty.
In my native country, the royal family sold Denmark to the Rothschilds in the socalled ‘state bankruptcy’ in 1813, after Denmarks allied war-general, Napoleon, was running out of luck in his wars against the European incumbent royalist elite. It took many years for Denmark to settle the score with the Rothschilds in subsequent loan agreements, but essentially Danmarks fate was handed over to the Rothschilds in 1813.
Could there be a connection between the state bankruptcy and the selling out to Rothschilds? It is definitely possible considering who became Wilhelms wife.
On 1 September 1764, William married his first cousin, Wilhelmina Caroline of Denmark and Norway (1747–1820), who was the second surviving daughter of Frederik 5th of Denmark and Norway. They married at Christiansborg Palace and resided for two decades mostly in Denmark.
It is interesting to read Danish history books and learn that no Rothschilds of any importance ever really resided in Denmark. But it is somehow ‘forgotten’ to let the Danes know, that the socalled ‘state bankruptcy’ was just a show to impose a silver tax on the Danes. The silver was later shifted out of the country through Rothschild family relations in the trading company.
No doubt that the Rothschild is in control of the money. But the real control is exercised by the bloodline families, who has been in control of the Rothschilds since 1769.
The Jesuits and the Swedish, Danish and German nobilities
One of the very clear examples of bloodline families retreating from public spotlight after the Age of Enlightenment, but still pulling the strings today, is the Swedish royal house.
The Swedish royal family belongs to the Bernadotte noble family. But when the Swedish royal house awards an order distinction to either their own family or foreign heads of state or royal families, they award an Order of the Seraphim, with which that person becomes a Knight of the Order of the Seraphim.
This Order of Seraphim has the Jesuit 'IHS' logo in the center of the medal/order. No one can or will explain why - it just is.
The order was initially instituted by the Swedish king Frederick 1st, who incidentally was also the Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel from 1730-1751 and thereby bloodrelated to the forementioned William 9th.
No doubt the Jesuits are working in the shadows of powerhouses in Europe and abroad, and have been doing so since the order was initiated shortly after the protestant revolution. It was in 1517 that Martin Luther allegedly put up the ninety-five theses on the church of Wittenberg, thereby starting the Reformation. The Jesuit was the military arm of the Catholic Church’s counter-reformation, which was their effort to counteract the Luther’s reformation.
The Jesuits have since moved on to become central in the Vatican’s exercising of power. The present pope, Francis, is a Jesuit.

I will soon find the time to send you another newsletter on the whole bloodline conspiracy. So don’t forget to sign up for the newsletter now, if you have not done it already.
Vatican assassins
I still haven’t read Eric Jon Phelps book on the Jesuits, but I intend to do so soon, as he is clearly one of the best researchers on the Jesuits.
In the meantime, please visit his homepage Vatican Assassins HERE!
And also, please do listen to the below, which is another interview of Eric Jon Phelps by Greg Szymanski. Here Eric Jon Phelps gives his account on therelation between the Vatican, jewry and muslim religions, 9/11 and many more controversial subjects.
Tribute to Frances Leader
Frances Leader is one of the great writers who, on top of informing about Eric Jon Phelps work, writes a lot of interesting articles on her Substack channel.
Read Frances Leader’s post on the same subject, which was what got me started on my own post. Go to her newsletter HERE!
She also inspired me to start my own Buy-me-a-coffe account, so if you like my work - and don’t feel like becoming a paid subscriber to my newsletters, you can always just support me by Buying me a coffee HERE!
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