
WEF-DAVOS 2023-2025: The Minority Report-scenario was here in 2023! Now add pain to the memory.

Thoughtcrimes and manipulating other peoples memories are about to become reality! - Well, only if governments were to follow the advices on from Davos - But they wouldn't, would they?

DAVOS 2023

Well, the above video-snip is from the World Economic Forums Davos meeting in 2023 featuring Nita Farahany from Duke University. You can watch her full presentation here:


Fast forward to DAVOS 2025

WEF is now openly talking about torturing people and implanting fake memories to mind control people! Watch Nita Farahany comment below from Davos 2025.

The described scenario by Nita Farahany is actually a level above what was seen in the 2002 blockbuster Minority Report by Steven Spielberg starring Tom Cruise.

39 Facts about the movie Minority Report - Facts.net

For other great news (though only from a globalist’s perspective”) from this years WEF meeting at Davos, go to WEF homepage HERE.