
UN Assembly: Danish Foreign Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen on the war in Ukraine

The Danish Minister of Foreign Affairs wants peace according to UN Charter from 2023

Danish Minister of Foreign Affairs Lars Løkke Rasmussen speaking on behalf of all the Nordic countries

Lars Løkke Rasmussen wants Russia to leave all Ukrainian territory as it looked in 2014, before Kyiv started a civil war against its own Russian-Ukrainian population.

Does the Minister want back the Kyiv-killing of civilians in Donbass from 2014-2022?

Have they all forgotten the leaked phonecall in 2014 between the US Undersecretary of State, Victoria Nuland and the US Ambassador to Ukraine, Jeffrey Pyatt?

Is so, here it is AGAIN:

Please note that Victory Nuland’s family escaped the Russian pogroms in Ukraine back in the 19th century and fled to the US, while changing their family name fra Nudelmann to Nuland.
That woman has an inate hate for all Russians, which is not justified so many years after the pogroms back in the 19th century.

Have they all forgotten how the US since 2014 have tried so hard to make the war in Ukraine a proxy-war, where the US could fight Russia through the Kyiv puppet regime?

Have all the Nordic countries, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland and Denmark forgotten what have happened in Donbass since 2014?

Etnic cleansing of Russian-Ukrainians between 2014 and 2022

Does Lars Løkke Rasmussen want back the ethnic cleansing by the Kyiv regime, that was documented in the “Donbass Documentary” by Sorbonne-lecturer and filmmaker Anne-Laure Bonnel in 2015/2016?

Watch the scary Donbass documentary and get a better understanding why Russia intervened in Donbass in 2022 after 8 years of Kyiv slaughtering of russo-ukrainians (or try this link HERE!):