
Interviewing Danish politician, Bilderberg-babe and WEF-marionette Ida Auken

At the opening of the Danish Parliament in October 2022 I tried to interview Ida Auken, who reluctantly gave me a very brief one.

The fortune teller Ida Auken about owning nothing and being happy

The WEF's connections to Denmark are manifold. Pretty well all the Danish prime ministers in recent times have been affiliated with the WEF and both the then Crown Prince, now King Frederik 10. and his wife Queen Mary, have long been part of the ‘Young Global Leaders’ programme of the WEF. Despite the posh competition it is still the bilderberger Ida Auken, who admittedly ranks as the greatest advocate for the WEF in Denmark. She wrote - allegedly herself - an article in 2016, which was published on the WEF's website and on social media. What made the article famous or infamous if you like, was the infamous words that have now got an entrenched reputation: “You’ll own nothing. And you’ll be happy”. The original article can be found on the Wayback Machine, as Ida Auken herself, or the WEF, or both together first ‘edited’ the article and then later completely removed it from the website. I do wonder why? Both happened at the start of 2021, when the corona-pandemic, according to later statements from Ida Auken, made ‘conspiracy theorists’ mix her predictions together with ‘The Great Reset’.

As you would expect, she has never explained why the article has been removed, and this fact alone is worthy of my further attention, later. In the edited article it can be seen that the WEF, or Ida Auken herself, or both, has done some damage control and attempted to dumb the article down, for example by changing the title from “Welcome to 2030. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better” to the less controversial “Here's how life could change in my city by the year 2030”. Auken's original article was reprinted by Forbes on 10th November 2016, so fortunately it can also be found there. You can also still find the launch page of WEFs “Eight Predictions for the World” on their official website, where Ida Auken's article was the first of the eight predictions for the world. Interestingly enough, if you click on Ida's article, you will see that it is no longer on the website. It has simply been deleted, almost certainly because of growing criticism and mounting ridicule. However, you can still view Ida Auken's “Own nothing, be happy” statement in the launch video at the bottom of the page.

The WEF removed a post on social media of which the video was part, supposedly because it went viral with negative comments about the WEF. It is interesting to realise that these eight predictions, which allegedly should have been done by eight different contributors, seems to have been coordinated quite accurately with the goals which the WEF is still working towards, now, seven years later. Either the WEF has been unbelievably lucky using accurate fortune tellers, like Ida Auken, to contribute in 2016, or it was paid work, or at the very least carefully coordinated and planned contributions from Ida Auken and the other seven. Ida Auken was at the time part of the WEF's Global Future Councils, and it is possible that the seven other writers were too. This could explain how well coordinated their future tellings were. On the day of the opening of the Danish Parliament, Folketinget, on 4th October 2022, I met Ida Auken in front of Christiansborg (the parliament building). I asked her how great the influence on Danish politics the WEF has. "Nothing!" she says and shortly after, she says the same thing about the Bilderberg group. Then I asked her the question “then, why is she part of both organisations, if they do not have any influence on Danish politics”? To this she answers that she is part of both because she can have influence on the organisations in order for her to make them do something for the climate! This is a strange backward logic that Ida is making use of here. Why would she spend time on organisations which, according to herself, have no influence on a country like Denmark? These people just lie, and lie and lie. In fact, it reminds one of the oft quoted phrase; How does one know when a politician (or, in this case a spokesperson for the WEF) is lying? The answer, of course is, when their lips are moving.

It is also slightly strange that Ida Auken had to travel to the WEF and Bilderberger meetings, and then just fire away some random points about the climate, whereby she gains influence on the climate area. Which then, after all, as she maintains, has no influence on Denmark, and therefore, I guess, not on any other country either? Unless, of course, if it was the case that all other countries are so helplessly far behind Denmark that they learn a lot from Ida Auken’s utterances about the climate. Who knows what is going on in the head of Ida Auken? I cannot fathom the logic. You can view the short interview with Ida 19 minutes and 30 seconds in a YouTube video “Folketingets åbning 4. oktober 2022” on my YouTube-kanal (it's in Danish). What is the reason that the WEF and Ida Auken do not stand by their article from 2016? Is this about that there are too many critics, who have seen right through it all and realised that the WEF is a great proponent to support that the world should go through a great reset and thereafter introduce a one world government? And also that this collaboration between global institutions like the EU, UN, WHO, NATO, the World Bank institutions and many more are not playing with open cards with the world's population?

Welcome to 2030. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better

(the original quotation from the first Ida Auken-article)

During the Danish election for parliament in 2022, TjekDet (the Danish fact-checker organisation) found that they had to fact-check the leader of a new Danish political party Pernille Vermund. This new party is called ‘Nye Borgerlige’. Pernille Vermund made a post on social media that had criticised the WEF for seeking to assume the right to own property from people, on the back of Ida Aukens article. TjekDet made supposed 'experts' comment on the post in order for them to make a concerted negative fact-check of Pernille Vermund. What they did not do, which was a major journalistic blunder, was to ask the WEF. However TjekDet believe themselves to have the ammunition they need to shut Pernille Vermund down. These fact-checkers are nothing more than self-elected judges of opinion and I deem them utterly revolting. This is especially heinous considering that Danish tax payers have paid millions for their services; voicing the false narrative of the globalists, twisting and falsifying their fact-checks. Regarding this specific fact-check, Ida Auken herself was an 'expert witness' but was not even asked, which makes the whole affair even more dodgy. There are several links to her article, however not the original one from WEF's website. But on the WayBack Machine you can find copies - and TjekDet seem not in the least concerned as to why the article, that their 'fact-check' is about, is no longer on the website of the WEF where it was first published!

So it is clear to see that all this is not of any interest to TjekDet, who must have fallen into a deep journalistic slumber while they were in the process of their 'fact-check'! I think that TjekDet has, once more, contributed to a taxpayers money consuming, globalist agenda pushing, brain washing and misguiding article!

Another globalist-friendly media Politi-fact did a fact check in English, as did Reuters and at lot of other fact-check medias. All of them totally obfuscating simple facts and adding total confusion to the mix.

Globalistic Social Liberalism

Ida Auken's bare-faced cheek that she uses to massage the globalistic social liberalism into the minds of the population, leaves me disgusted. It seems to only spellbind a fast falling number of the population, falling as the total population slowly begin to realise how these actor politicians are caught in the game of the globalist marionette theatre. I wonder, if politicians, like Ida Auken, know that they are being played? I sometimes wonder even more, because she sometimes plays her part so well, as the politician who wants a lot of good things for her country and for the climate. I further wonder that, if she is so into playing her part, she actually believes in the spin herself? It would be truly frightening, if that were the case.

Founder of WEF, Klaus Schwab, is more direct in his communication:


  1. Wayback Machine’s copy of Ida Auken’s original WEF article regarding owing nothing but being happy: https://web.archive.org/web/20161125135500/https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/11/shopping-i-can-t-really-remember-what-that-is

  2. Wayback Machine’s copy of Ida Auken’s edited WEF article (later it was completely erased): https://web.archive.org/web/20210427224934/https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/11/how-life-could-change-2030/

  3. Magasinet Forbes also made a copy of Auken’s original article on the 10th of November, 2016: https://www.forbes.com/sites/worldeconomicforum/2016/11/10/shopping-i-cant-really-remember-what-that-is-or-how-differently-well-live-in-2030/

  4. WEF’s homepage when launching “8 predictions for the world” on Wayback Machine.: https://web.archive.org/web/20161125144156/https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/11/8-predictions-for-the-world-in-2030

  5. TjekDet fact-check of Pernille Vermund on the 27th of October, 2022, regarding WEF: https://www.tjekdet.dk/faktatjek/pernille-vermund-vaekker-konspirationsteoretikerne-midt-i-valgkampen

  6. PolitiFact fact-check on Ida Auken’s statements and WEF “World Economic Forum “elites” are pushing the Great Reset, which aims to control people by taking all their possessions.”: https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2023/sep/28/instagram-posts/world-economic-forum-elites-are-pushing-the-great/