
Finally Peace in Gaza!

At the arrivals of zionist settlers, the outlook for peace is finally settling on Gaza! After approx. 40-500.000 Palestinians murdered - Why did it take the IDF so long to wipe out the Palestinians?

Entire Gaza strip under totalitarian Israeli control - 700 Israeli families ready to move in!

WARNING: Irony and sarcasm galore!

“As a result of the brutal massacre on the 7th of October, the Gaza Arabs lost the right to be here (Gaza) ever”

Quote by Israeli settler

The Israeli settlers are moving in, and the Gaza Arabs are being pushed out. The pan-Israeli-Palestinian political product, called Hamas, has served its purpose since 2007. Know all Arab Palestinian can take the blame for the atrocities of Hamas actions of the 7th of October.

Should there be any Arab incumbents left, the Israel Lanius drones (developed by the feted Elbit Systems company of Israel) will surely take care of thy infidels:

This is all greatly (however ironically and sarcastically) in line with the demonstration in the centre of Copenhagen a month ago, where the below flyer was handed out:

…and this flyer as well:

So now it seems that, as soon as Ukraine has cleaned up Russia, and proxy-american Israeli troops has conquered Lebanon, Syria and Iran, Bibi’s wettest dream has come into fruition!

In fact, we might be on the road to a One World Government, with a One World Religion, created by our benevolent world banking cartel, controlled via Rome (spiritually), City of London (financially) and Washington D.C. (militarily).

Peace out! - Just remember to take the shots, put on a mouth-diaper and obey the totalitarian fascistic regime no matter what- AND ALL WILL BE GOOD!!

Humorous-Fascist-Socialist-Wokeist-Totalitarian Think Tank

HUFASOWT is a Danish Think Tank that has recently seen the light of day. It's called: "Humorous-Fascist-Socialist-Wokeist-Totalitarian Think Tank, or just HUFASOWT. The main slogan of the think tank is Constructive Fascism! But there are many other good slogans to choose from, as per below:

Gulag and KZ were childs play! Just wait for the new FEMA-like camps!

A One World Government can solve all the problems!

More transhumanism in Schools!

More Satanism in the Churches!

Globalism reduces CO2!

Zionism solves all problems, in particularly in the Middle East!

Sudden Death is just a normal and Passing Phenomenon, and probably nothing to do with the vaccines!

The Royal House of Denmark loves you!

The Globalists, the Parliaments of the World and all the Royal Houses of the World loves you too!

Stay Woke - Vote!

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