Understand the War in Ukraine
If European support for Ukraine risks getting us all into a nuclear war with Russia, or even a Third World War, then we must at least understand who and how the war started and what it is about!
Putin - The new Hitler?
There is no doubt that Putin is a seasoned politician who knows how to balance Russian oligarchs and hold on to power. But is he really the insane "new Hitler" just as he is portrayed in the Western mainstream press? And is he out to conquer all of Europe?
- Quite unlikely! He himself is caught up in the larger geopolitical game. Plus, he doesn't have the military strike force required to complete a conquest of several European countries. He can barely manage to free the russian-speaking Donbass region one and a half year after his socalled “special military operation” in Ukraine.
So if the blame cannot simply be placed on Putin alone, then what is the war in Ukraine essentially about? There is a need to delve a little into history if we are to answer this question.
From the Orange Revolution in 2004 to the Maidan Revolution in 2014
Ukraine did not become an independent state until the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991. Therefore, the Russian language has been widely used, and therefore, for example, Russian-language TV programs were also the most popular compared to ukrainian-language TV programs, at least until recently. Russian and Ukrainian are linguistically close to each other, but essentially two different languages. Since 2004, and especially since 2014, Ukrainian language has been emphasized as the only official language, as the feeling of Ukrainian nationality, especially in the western part of the country, has increased sharply.
The bloody Maidan revolution of 2013-2014, or Euromaidan, came to mark major and fundamental changes in Ukraine. The year before, Ukraine's 3rd president, Viktor Yanukovych, had blocked Ukraine's Association Agreement with the EU, which caused large popular protests in the western-oriented part of Ukraine.
Ten years before the Maidan, the Orange Revolution had created political confusion and polarization after it could not be determined which of the two presidential candidates had won the election in 2004. On one side was Viktor Yushchenko who wanted Ukraine to connect more with the West, NATO and the EU. On the other side stood the sitting president, the aforementioned Yanukovych, who spoke in particular for the ethnic Russian population and wanted to keep Ukraine's historical ties to Russia, ties that are partly founded in the Soviet era. Although Yanukovych was first declared the winner of the election, it was Yushchenko who in January 2005 could call himself president of Ukraine, after a very controversial re-election.
In 2008, then President Yushchenko, together with two other prominent Ukrainian politicians, wrote a letter to NATO a Request for a NATO Membership Action Plan, the so-called “letter of three”, in which they asked the so-called ‘defense’ alliance to prepare a plan for Ukraine's entry into the NATO pact. In addition to the previously mentioned Viktor Yushchenko, opposition leader Yulia Tymoshenko and parliament speaker Arseny Yatsenyuk also signed the letter. The majority of Ukrainian politicians in parliament, and a large part of the population, had a desire to be linked closer to the West and to reduce Russia's influence on Ukrainian politics and internal affairs.

In December 2012, Jatseniuk became the leader of the nationalist political faction "Fatherland". Although Jatseniuk is the Speaker of the Parliament at this time, he - during the tumultuous political conditions - is also the leader of the opposition.
He is harassed by other politicians for his Ukrainian-Romanian-Jewish family background, although he is a member of the Ukrainian part of the Greek Catholic Church. But the Ukrainian-Romanian-Jewish background is emphasized because it is in this geographical region that Zionism and Hasidic Judaism originally come from. Hasidic Judaism is a Jewish piety and revival movement that arose in Eastern Europe in the latter part of the 18th century. Zionism and Hasidic Judaism belong to Ashkenazi Judaism. Ukrainian political opponents point out that these Jewish movements are known for their members' assimilation to the surrounding society and crypto-conversion to other religions. Hence the name crypto-Jews, who in reality belong to what some call crypto-Jews. The berebet covers a secret practice of Jewish customs while publicly declaring one's affiliation with another religion. Yatseniuk is thus accused of being a crypto-Jew by his political opponents. Similar accusations against Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen have been made in Denmark, where she is accused of being of Ashkenazi descent through her descent from Isidor Henius, a Polish-Jewish founder of De Danske Spritfabrikker, a large alcohol producer from Aalborg in Denmark.
In 2017, Russia sent an arrest warrant to Interpol for Yatseniuk for his involvement in the killing of Russian soldiers in Chechnya in 1994-1995 and 2000.
Arsenij Yatseniuk was America's man in Ukraine in 2013-2014 - incidentally, by the grace of Victoria Nuland

Arsenij Yatseniuk was one of the main political leaders when unrest in the capital led to the Maidan revolution that began in late 2013.
During the Maidan Revolution, there were bloody and deadly clashes between the police and the many demonstrators in the Maidan Square in the capital Kyiv (Kiev). The protesters wanted Yanukovych and his pro-Russian regime ousted. After a series of political, legal and constitutional measures, Viktor Yanukovych was deposed, during events which he himself considered to be a coup d'état.
Arsenij Yatseniuk has been accused by political opponents and commentators of having very close ties to the Obama/Biden administration when the Maidan revolution took place in 2013-2014.
A leaked phone conversation from 2014 is clear evidence of the Obama administration's favoritism to Yatseniuk, as well as the level of control the US exercised in Ukraine during the Maidan revolution:
Excerpt from the Arsenij Yatseniuk’s Wikipedia page:
Arsenij Yatseniuk was described favorably by Victoria Nuland, who wanted Yatseniuk to become prime minister in the new government. On February 4, 2014, a recording of a phone call between her and US Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt on January 28, 2014 was posted on YouTube. In their telephone conversation, Nuland Pyatt announced that after reviewing the three opposition candidates for the post of Prime Minister of Ukraine, the US State Department concluded that Arseniy Yatseniuk was the best qualified for the job.
Below you can hear the full leaked conversation from January 28, 2014 (with transcript and accompanying explanatory images):
Victoria Nuland got her way, because less than a month after the leaked phone call, Arseniy Yatseniuk became prime minister in the new Ukrainian government.
A few days after the conversation, US Secretary of State John Kerry and his assistant Victoria Nuland meet with the three biggest opposition leaders: 1. The newfound oligarch supporter of activists, Petro Poroshenko. 2. The former professional heavyweight boxer, now political activist, Vitaly Klitschko and 3. The aforementioned Yatseniuk. It happened in Munich on 1 February 2014. A few weeks later, Arseniy Yatseniuk has become prime minister in Ukraine's interim government.

As with Arsenij Jatseniuk (and allegedly Mette Frederiksen), Victoria Nuland has an Ashkenazi Jewish background. She is a descendant of Jewish emigrants who were expelled from southern Ukraine during the Russian programs. The family was originally called Nudelmann but changed it to Nuland when they arrived in the USA. It has been rumored that Victoria Nuland has always had a fierce hatred for Russia and all things Russian. If true, then it is based on some logic, as her historical family background points to the naturalness of harboring such hatred.
She was the one who handled Ukraine for the Obama/Biden administration from 2013 until Trump won the presidential election in 2015. Her role was officially Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs.
Billionaire-oligark Poroshenko becomes president of Ukraine and starts persecution of the Russian minority
Ukraine, just like Russia, has a huge problem with corruption, being to some extent ruled by oligarchs. One such influential Ukrainian oligarch is Petro Poroshenko. Forbes Magazine in Israel previously declared him one of the world's richest Jews (see link HERE and HERE!). As with Yatseniuk and Nuland (and allegedly Mette Frederiksen), Poroshenko is also allegedly of Ashkenazi Jewish descent, as his Ukrainian-Jewish father, Alexei Valtsman, should have taken his wife's name at marriage. Please notice how Wikipedia deliberately inserts the name of Poroshenko's son instead of his father's name, surely to confuse as much as possible. This is information that the Times of Israel also relays in an article from 2014. Poroshenko's allegedly Jewish background has caused many anti-Semitic chants in gatherings in Poroshenko's political campaigns, especially where Ukrainian Nazis have also been present.
But Poroshenko is first and foremost an oligarch-billionaire who also goes by the nickname "Chocolate King", it was originally a former state-owned chocolate factory, Roshen, where he made his first millions. He still owns the multinational chocolate company along with a conglomerate of other companies.
He gets involved in politics early in his oligarch career, and manages to support both Viktor Yanukovych and Viktor Yushchenko in the very presidential elections that they win. Poroshenko therefore has an ability to choose the right candidate - Also when he finally chose to run himself in 2014.
He was one of the financial backers behind The Orange Revolution. The same during the Maidan revolution, when he was never on the streets to support the demonstrations, but contributed a lot of financial support to them.
That is why he also sat in on the meeting in Munich with Kerry and Nuland on 1 February 2014, where the US apparently had to explain to the ukrainian politicians how the future Ukrainian government should look like. Already on 7 June of the same year, Poroschenko settles in as president of Ukraine, where he wins over the person he himself had previously helped to power, namely Viktor Yanukovych.
Very soon after Poroschenkon taking office the newly elected Ukrainian president gives a speech about how he wants to win over the Russian-Ukrainian part of the population, who, among other things, demands self-determination in Donbass, a region consisting of the so-called Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts.
The above clip is taken from the documentary "Donbass" made in 2015-16 by the award-winning French journalist and Sorbonne lecturer Anne-Laure Bonnels. The documentary is about the civil war in Ukraine's Donbass region. This 53-minute long documentary is a 'must see' if you want to bring humanity into your understanding of the war in Ukraine.
Watch the full documentary: Click HERE! or click on the image below:
The Canadian independent journalist Eva Bartlett has made the following report for the Schiller Institute about how the Ukrainian forces direct their bombing attacks against the Russian-Ukrainian civilian population in Donbass:
Enter, Zelenskyy! - Now it becomes seriously Zionist, but also very comical!
In 2019, Poroshenko loses to another Ukrainian nouveau riche politician, the former actor Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Zelenskyy proclaims in 2021 a war against the oligarchy (see BBC article from 2021). But not many people know that he himself belongs to the super-rich elite, as the news media - instead of telling the truth about him - are busy portraying him as a hero who, completely selflessly and philanthropically, saves his country by unflinchingly wage war against Russia.
(click on the image below to see Tom Cruise's toe-curling meeting with the newly elected Ukrainian president in 2019)

But Zelenskyj has obviously made a lot of money from being an actor. By the way, his most successful role is the one where he plays a high school teacher who happens to be one day elected as the president of Ukraine. The series is called "Servant of the People" and it was also the name of the political party that got Zelenskij elected as president, after 4 months in politics. The series has just been renegotiated with Netflix for another 30 million USD.
The TV series has totally changed Ukrainian politics into a TV show. You probably think I am making it up, but the reality is apparently more shitty than TV shows. “Servant of the People” was first broadcast on Ukrainian TV in 2015. The series is exclusively in Russian language, not Ukrainian. Zelenskyy himself does not speak Ukrainian very well. The TV series has been sold to 34 countries.
In 2017, a political party with the same name as the series was founded in Ukraine. In 2019, this the political party “Servant of the People” won their very first election and delivered a president, with Zelenskyy being elected as president after only 4 months in politics.

Zelenskyy obviously made a lot of money from this TV show and from the production company, which he owns a major share of. But how rich is Zelenskyj, really? The American former UN weapons instructor Scott Ritter has recorded a video in which he reviews Zelenskyi's property portfolio:
Media Netizens have also tried to estimate Zelenskyi's wealth, see the video below:
Since 20 May 2024 Zelenskyy’s term as president has expired although he stille pretends to be president. That is easy to do when all the medias hides the hideous facts. The BBC has actually written an article about his term of office having expired. However, when you read the article "War and popularity keep Zelensky in power despite term expiring", you get more of an impression that he has been re-elected president. The BBC simply does not find reason to criticize that he is no longer formally and legally the president of Ukraine.
A few months after Russian troops enter Ukraine in February 2022, Ukrainian President Zelenskyy triumphantly states to the Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz that he considers Ukraine to be the new Zionist state, with Israel as a model. The heading of the article (which is unfortunately under a paywall) says it all: “Zelenskyy Says Post-war Ukraine Will Emulate Israel, Won’t Be ‘Liberal, European’”. In the article on Atlantic Councils homepage with the heading “Zelenskyy wants Ukraine to be ‘a big Israel.’ Here’s a road map.” Zelenskyy’s wants for Ukraine is again reiterated, only one day after the Ha’aretz article. Atlantic Council (a think tank
Zelenskyy wants to create a GREATER ISRAEL. But what is a GREATER ISRAEL? Find a quite comprehensive 14 minute video (click HERE to watch!) made by the independent medie BreakThrough News (this video is also a ‘must watch’ if you want to understand Israeli actions since the false flag Hamas attack on israel of December 7th 2013!).
Atlantic Council, by the way, is a pro-zionist think tank like World Economic Forum, Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations and Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House), all deep state policy makers that direct the policies of so many Western Countries.
By-the-way, news medias often forget to point out that Zelenskyj is also of Ashkenazi Jewish descent, as was the case with the previously mentioned Ukrainian politicians. It is Ashkenazi Jews who is behind the Zionist movement.
It is generally quite common for all top politicians to have a hidden fetish for the (crypto-)Jewish/zionist kisses of the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem. Below is dispalyed a series of pictures of politicians kissing the Wailing Wall, which is the holiest place for Jews to pray in the World. Including amongst kissing-politicians are former Ukrainian president Viktor Yushchenko, former UK prime minister Boris Johnson, former US presidents Bush senior, Bill Clinton, Obama, Trump, French president Emanuel Macron, former US first lady Melania Trump, Obama, Putin and Trump. They have in this way all indicated that they want to protect Israel and the interests of the Zionists, which is important to understand ib relations to the war that Israel has just launched against its neighboring countries.

NOTE: Please notice Putin to the left in the bottom row. He is very close to Israel, although it is portrayed that there is cold air between Netanyahu and Putin. They are very close allies in the field of defence, but mainstream medias prefer that you are unfamiliar with this fact, because it takes a bit of the air out of the East-West dichotomy and is therefore not good for deep state business.
All of this also plunges my native Denmark into Zionism, since the Danish politicians, and especially the Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen - who joined the Trilateral Commission prior to becoming prime minister, which is quite common for Danish prime ministers - have complied with all demands for donations from Zelensky's Ukraine, without asking any questions about anything. “Do you want F-16 planes? - Then you get F-16 aircraft!” Denmark also cooperates with the Zionist state of Israel at all levels. The government, the Danish defense and the defense industry cooperate with Israel, even after they began the genocide in Palestine (and now also in Lebanon).
Zionism is far more widespread among members of the Danish parliament - and especially the top politicians - than most Danes think. This is of course also why there is never really any criticism of Israel from the political side in Denmark. Below is a tweet from the chairman and founder of the Denmark Democrats, Inger Støjberg, where she just says it out loud: "- and yes, I am a Zionist [heart+Israeli flag]":
Below is a translation of the tweet from Inger Støjberg on September 28th:
What a great week!!
On Wednesday I received the Jerusalem Prize from the Danish Zionist Association and the World Zionist Organization - and yes, I am a Zionist. ♥️🇮🇱
Today we have received the good news that the IDF has finally hit Hezbollah's leader, the terrorist Nasrallah. 🔥
Congratulations to both Israel and the people of Lebanon!
#dkmedia #dkpol
The USA is Zionist and is participating in Israel’s ongoing genocide in Palestine (and Lebanon)
Noam Chomsky is an American professor and social critic who is good at explaining why the US is as militarily involved in Israel as the US is. For example when the US contributes ammunition to the Israeli forces, during the genocide in Gaza. He also reveals how widespread Christian Zionism is in the United States, England, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. See possibly the video below for Chomsky's own elaborations:
My own opinion is…
That the war in Ukraine is an American and Zionist proxy war, meaning that the Americans are getting the Ukrainians to wage the war against Russia without the Americans themselves having to be directly involved (for now anyway!). The religious Zionist attitude is something that is used by the world's powerful elite to ensure that wars are kept going on between ordinary people - in Ukraine, Israel, Russia, a lot of other places, and soon possibly also in the USA, Denmark etc. - so that the general population cannot rebel against this elite tyranny. States of war override all other things so that people cannot think for themselves.
The politicians play along. Unfortunately, they are just power hungry and do just what this elite wants them to do. But only until the general population finds out!!!
Therefore, make sure to spread this post far and wide, so that people can understand that the war in Ukraine exists to make ordinary people in different countries fight each other, while the elite make even more money from us, as well as imprison us even more in a slave-like state as citizens of their One World Government. The same applies to the wars in the Middle East. The Zionist nature is just even more evident in Israel's wars against all neighboring countries and the USA's unreserved support at all times. The only ones who win the wars are those who have always scored big bucks on wars: The globalist elite!
IMPORTANT NOTICE: I am neither anti-Semitic, racist nor in any other way condemning an entire people or a religion, or a population group in general. I just want to inform about details about the war in Ukraine which are otherwise totally overlooked by western news media. That the war(s) has an important Zionist character has nothing to do with my own convictions, other than that I just want to inform about it, so that we can avoid making the same mistakes again and again.
The globalist elite/deep state are essentially not controlled by the zionists. It is the Black Nobility that has this control over the Vatican (spiritual power), City of London (economic power) and Washington (military/political power). And if you would like to know more about the bloodline families I encourage you to follow the link below to Frances Leaders Substack newsletter from April 2022:
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You are wrong on so many levels so I don’t even know where I need to begin. It’s obvious you have never lived in Ukraine, no clue about Ukrainian history and its long battle for its independence. Yes, politicians in Ukraine are pestiferous, does your country have ideal politicians? You are missing the important element: if Ukraine falls, we’ll wake up in a new era where treaties and security do not exist. Good luck raising your children in this beautiful world with the friendly nations like Russians, Chinese, Iranian and radical islamists.